Action Pillars
VoWW is committed to using our voices to create change through four critical points of action interwoven with healing and support. Collaboration and community are key to our work.
Emergency Care
VoWW is the catalyst behind the STAT emergency department initiative. STAT supports the work of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Society of Hematology (ASH) to help save lives. Through STAT, we also use online surveys to gather patient feedback on emergency treatment and maintenance care.

Knowledge, Equity, & Accountability
In addition to supporting the work of ACEP and ASH, VoWW aligns its efforts with the standards of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), which sets emergency department triage levels. We look forward to collaborating with local chapters of each of these organizations as well as quality improvement groups aligned with state hospital associations and health departments.

Speaking Out
VoWW aims to collaborate with advocacy and patient-focused organizations in each state to support existing and needed public health practices. This includes action around policies that encompass insurance regulations, medical guidelines and those impacting socioeconomic determinants such as healthy food, access to medical care, education, safe and affordable housing, transportation, and other barriers.

Education & Economic Empowerment
VoWW will work with national sickle cell organizations, local community-based organizations, related health agencies, through social media forums, and other relevant channels to share its emergency department efforts and information learned through its patient surveys to educate and inform patients, caregivers, and allies. VoWW will provide financial literacy, academic support, and educational tools and resources that help warriors obtain and maintain financial independence.
Healing & Support
Support for those grieving lost Warriors is woven through each of our action pillars. Our goal is to provide a safe space to gather where we can both mourn and celebrate our loved ones. This may manifest as groups, training, and/or programming focused on healing and ways to move forward.